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Android Enterprise

Gestão de Aplicativos e Arquivos


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Políticas de Configuração de Dispositivos

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Certificates Repository and Certificate Installation Profile (Android Enterprise) 

Isso foi útil?

Certificates Repository and Certificate Installation Profile (Android Enterprise) 

cloud4mobile has a repository of Digital Certificates. Digital certificates from the repository can be installed in devices through a Certificate Installation Profile (Android Enterprise). A certificate installed in a device can, among other applications, be used to connect to a Wi-Fi network, through the WiFi Configuration Profile (Android Enterprise). 

Digital certificates can be added to the repository through the Management Console: 

Video Add Certificate to repository 

Certificates that have a private key (Identities) will require entry of the certificate password to be added. 

Once the environment certificates are added, the Certificate Installation Profiles (Android Enterprise) can be created: 

Video Certificate Installation Profile 


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